There are no two ways about it; there’s only one true
way to run for performance, but like you I have read lots of conflicting pieces
on why this is good or that is good etc. However, the “experts” don’t
mention the real secret to performance running.
I have never observed much variation in
the way two animals of the same species run e.g. horses, dogs, cheetahs
etc. Unlike us, they are not given shoes to run in as infants that allow
them to change their mechanics to such a degree they stop using the tools
nature provided.
Guaranteed – if you over-stride,
heel-strike, cadence is too low or you oscillate (lateral or vertical); you are
not running efficiently or naturally. This article is not simply advocating
forefoot striking, because if you just do that in isolation you will probably
do more damage to yourself than sticking to heel striking… In this
article I am going to take you through why and also look at:
Economy of motion
The “secret” to performance running
Stride length
Stride frequency
Bare foot running
Body positioning
Body weight
vVO2 max
What is Economy of Motion?
Economy of motion is one of the key
areas of endurance performance; and improving the economy of the athlete is one
of the most valuable parts of coaching, that can reduce the injury rate and
significantly bring finish times down.
If runners continuously bounce up and
down (vertical oscillation), bob from side to side (lateral oscillation),
over-stride, keep their feet on the floor for too long or heel strike while
running, the result will be increased oxygen consumption, muscle fiber
recruitment and lactate production for the given speed = lower economy of
I know some coaches do not worry so much
about technique. They would rather let total volume of training take its
course. This may work for some and possibly more for the elite athletes
who are training day in day out. But with limited time on your hands or
if you want to optimize your performance, ensuring your economy is as close to
perfect as you can get it, you will reap the rewards without requiring
additional training time.
The secret to performance running
The secret to performance running is seen in utilising the stretch
shortening cycle (SSC), which occurs in the muscles and tendons of the lower
limb. This mechanism, switches on as the foot lands, but can only work if
the muscle and tendons are engaged immediately, as in hopping action.
In running it was traditionally thought that muscles lengthen or work
eccentrically as the foot hits the floor, and shorten or work concentrically as
the foot pushes off. However, as Blazevich
and Sharp (2006) point out, “recent
evidence from human research, and experiments on animals, shows that muscles
contract quasi-isometrically during the propulsive phase of many stretch
shorten – type movements”.
To explain this “quasi-isometric muscle action”, isometric muscle action
“the muscle contracts without any joint movement” so it is held static while
under load. The quasi (partly/ almost) means we have a sort of static or
isometric contraction but we don’t… i.e. we still have a limited, but not a
great deal of joint action.
To elicit quasi-isometric action in the muscles/
tendon (mostly tendon) the foot has be in contact with the floor for a very
brief moment as this action occurs in roughly 0.5 second which gives nearly 50%
of the energy required for propulsion to the next step, hence the need for high
stride frequency to take advantage of this potential return of energy.
It is the force production on foot strike, which, without a doubt, means
humans are not designed to heel strike. If you carried out the experiment
above, you have just felt the hard thud and discomfort on heel-striking, which
can lead to many injuries as the load is not taken up by stretchy/ elastic
muscles and tendons. If the muscles and tendons are allowed to switch on
during that initial strike of the foot, this creates the running equivalent of
the car suspension and the load is dissipated through soft tissue not bone.
The muscles and tendons need adequate strength to produce and reproduce
this force over hundreds and thousands of repetitions of the run.
One of the biggest limiting factors in Caucasian endurance athletes, is
a lack of strength - the more strength/ force that can be produced on foot
strike (added to optimal body weight and aerobic capacity) the faster you will
We can see with the 100 – 200 – 400m runners that they are using maximum
force production (on foot strike) to hit the times they do and, on the whole,
mechanically these athletes run as close to perfect as you can get (it’s also
amazing how much work they put into technique). As soon as you go to 800
– 1500 and above, many people start to run with the injurious habits outlined
Running technique should not change whatever the distance, it should
just be “smoothed out”: the longer the distance the less height on the knee/
heel cycle which equates to less force production on foot strike, less energy
production but ultimately slower running of course.
You will notice in pictures of good elite runners, a point during the
running cycle where both feet are off the floor (air time, see picture
right). It can take many years and hours/ miles of running to build the
type of strength of top elite runners, but whatever your level, you can aid the
improve your running performance by increasing the strength of your running
muscles and tendons.
Stride length
Contrary to popular belief, a long stride length is not about kicking
your foot as far forward as possible “striding out”. Stride length is
where the foot lifts from the floor, travels through the air and hits the floor
Our body is linked (kinetic chain), bones, muscles, tendons etc and for
running to work optimally each area through the body must play its part.
So if you just stride out and the foot lands outside the body’s optimal
reaction area, you will lose part of the process by producing a breaking
force. Muscles will not be recruited at the right time, leading to
negative response and excess movements/ energy requirement.
Stride frequency (strike rate)
Lots of the elite African runners have been found to run around 94 – 98
strikes per min with the athletes trailing in their wake running, still running
with high strike rate, but around 90 – 94 strikes per min. If you are an
average height runner whose stride frequency is around 70 or 80 strides per min
or lower, your foot will be in contact with the floor for a much greater time,
so there is no way you are ever going to utilise on the SSC.
For some of our better runners, who you may have seen running a bit flat
or on their heel etc, most of the time they will get away with fast “ish” run
splits due to a good high strike rate… add to that the use of the “secret to
running performance” and what could happen?
The shorter you are the more steps you would naturally take and vice
versa. Lots of people I have coached find it really hard to get their
strike rate up… that is, until they run bare foot!
Bare foot running
When you put athletes on the treadmill and video their running, then
sprinkle the magic dust (getting them to take their shoes off!) then video them
again, they are always totally amazed at what a change this small adjustment
makes aesthetically to the way they look. In fact, they almost always say
“I look like a runner”. With a little coaching in muscle recruitment
patterns (which needs to be re-learnt) they start to get the feeling and rhythm
of economical running and even start to enjoy it, instead of running always
feeling like hard work, whatever the pace.
Have you ever wondered why so many people have orthotics?
Basically the running shoe industry had been hindering runners for years by
adding support to running shoes. Why do these expensive trainers have
lots of cushioning in the heel when the heel is not designed to take any load
in running? (You felt this on the jumping on heels experiment). Support
is also prevalent along the inside of a run shoe for the arch of the foot,
never giving the foot a chance to switch these muscles/ tendons back on and in
most cases switching them off totally (if a muscle or tendon is not used it
becomes weak and less useful).
When changing from supportive running shoes, you will see after a while
that your arch starts to develop (it is after all just muscle and
tendon). This must be done slowly so your whole body can adjust to this
new running style and build the right strength in the correct muscles
throughout the body at the right time.
The rest of the body
To run well you also have to have the rest of the body in the right
position. For example, if your bum is sticking out because you are
leaning too far forwards, you cannot switch on your bum muscles (glutes), which
are needed to work when the foot hits the floor. Your hips need to be
driving forwards, your chest needs to be lifted and muscles that are not being
used need to be relaxed. Your pelvis also needs to aligned correctly and
you will be amazed at how “out” your pelvis can be if you spend most of the day
slumped at a desk.
Body weight (fat)
I am sorry to tell you, but if you are carrying excess body fat of
5–10kgs or more you are going to add more strain to the muscles and tendons of
your body that are designed to carry you (at optimum fat %). But if
you are a bigger person don’t feel that running correctly is not for you - it
still works but your progressions may have to take a little longer.
So again, take your time, make sure you build up the longer runs (don’t
attempt the vVO2max stuff below until adapted for
3–6 months) and do lots of strides (200m on track on grass) as this in itself
will build the strength and lower the body fat to ensure a seamless transition
to more economical running.
VVO2 max
This is the velocity (pace) at which your body is utilising the maximum
amount of oxygen. Vo2max on its own is a poor predictor of performance
but training at VVo2 max is a great way to improve economy. At
vVo2 you are running at the speed/ pace that are at your aerobic
capacity. This helps by increasing the strength and power of the running
and cardiovascular muscles.
I know lots of athletes will go and purchase a pair Newtons or racing
flats having been told by their mates “this is the way to go”. Pop them
on and off they run with their new running style, for an hour or so, then would
you believe it, they are injured. The word soon spreads that forefoot
running injures people… it does not, only progressing too fast, lack of strength
and not running correctly injures you.
The bottom line:
§ If you are not running and allowing the SSC to
activate, you are not running optimally.
The flip side, it is not just about buying some new
trainers and landing on the forward portion of the foot and hey presto.
If you want to become a better runner, don’t do it as
you start to panic about an upcoming race near summer, take the step now to
change and use the winter months to build the progressions.
Finally, you still have to put in the
hard yards in training, but this way you will do it smarter and get fewer
Happy training!
Further reading:
Blazevich, A, J., and Sharp, N, C, C., (1995) Physiology of Human
Running: From Motors to Fuel Pumps. Sports Science, Brunel University, UB8 3PH,
Bergmann G, Kniggendorf H, Graichen F, Rohlmann A (1995). Influence of
shoes and heel strike on the loading of the hip joint. Journal of Biomechanics
28, 817-827
Clarke TE, Frederick EC, Cooper LB (1983). Effects of shoe cushioning
upon ground reaction forces in running. International Journal of Sports
Medicine 4, 247-251.
Ker, R. F., Bennet, M, B., Bibby, S, R., Kester, R, C., and Alexander,
R, McN., (1987) The spring in the arch of the human foot. Nature 325, 157-149.
ANALYSIS – XC/Track Coach, Thousand Oaks High School, CA (unpublished).
McArdle, W. D., Katch, F. I., and Katch, V. L. (2001). Exercise
Physiology, Energy, Nutrition, and Human Performance. USA: Lippincott
Williams and Wilkins.
Millet, G, P., Jaouen, B., Barrani, F., Candau, R., (2003): Effects of
concurrent endurance and strength training on running. Medicine Science Sports
Exercise. 34(8): 1351-9.
M., Warburton (2001) Barefoot Running, Gateway
Physiotherapy, Capalaba, Queensland, Australia 4157. Sport science 5(3).
Regan, E, A.(1 ); T, D, Noakes.(1 ); Liane, B, A.(1 ); Romanov, N.(1);
Schwellnus, P, M.(1 ); Graham, F.(2) (2004). ‘Reduced Eccentric Loading of the
Knee with the Pose Running Method’, in Medicine & Science in Sports &
Exercise: Volume 36(2), pp 272-277.
Robbins SE, Hanna AM (1987). Running-related injury prevention through
barefoot adaptations. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 19, 148-156.
Siff, M,C., Verkhoshansky YV (1999). Supertraining (4th Ed.). Denver,
Colorado. Supertraining International.
Williams, D, E., (2002). Review of “Stride pattern preference in
racehorses”. California State University – San Marcos (Kentucky Equine
Research, Inc).